Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Cycle of Money

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind; cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so.  Genesis 1:24 (NKJV)  
You might read this scripture and wonder what does it have to do with money?  Well, through this scripture God set a cycle or law in place for creation in the earth.  That is, all things create according to its kind.  Cattle create cattle, birds create birds and money creates money.  The above chart explains the cycle of money.  All things have a beginning; money begins with goods and services.  Without goods and services there is no need for money.  If you follow the chart, you will see that goods and services create a need for employment producing employees, small businesses, corporations and government.  Employees and businesses create a need for credit, homes, education and health resources.  That produces a market system.  Every cycle requires a system or incubator where duplication or regeneration takes place.  For living creatures that system is the womb, for plants that system is the earth and for money that system is the market.  A market system consists of stocks, bonds, treasury notes, insurance, real estate, trusts, annuities and funds.  The market creates recompense (reward) in the form of interest, dividends, capital gains and residual income.  Notice once you arrive on this side of the cycle; needs are left behind and you enter into rewards.  Rewards produce investors and investors become millionaires who inspire innovation.  Innovation creates goods and services, resulting in more jobs, more home ownership, more educational opportunities and better health.  What happens when a large group of people stay on the right hand side of the cycle and never progress to the left?  This particular scenario happens when people/businesses spend all of their income on credit, homeownership, education and health.  They have nothing left to put into the market as a result their only option is to put a demand on the already existing goods and services which now creates unemployment (too many people for a minimum amount of jobs), which produces a small workforce, less companies and government deficits.  Credit (money) becomes constricted causing bad credit, foreclosures, rising tuition/fees and an unhealthy society.  Where do you find yourself?  Are you riding the poverty line?  If you find yourself on the right hand side of the cycle, never reaching the left then make a commitment this year and get out of debt, restore your credit and start investing.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Proverty = When Men Worship the Creature Instead of the Creator

Empty pockets -
"Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever Amen."  Romans 1:25 NKJV

Are you tired of living from paycheck to paycheck?  Are you tired of waiting for that big breakthrough?  Did you ever have the thought, "Why is life so hard?"  If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then I am writing to you!  God never intended for life to be hard, or for you to live from paycheck to paycheck.  His desire is to bless you!  Oh, you know that, but you're waiting on your big breakthrough!  I can assure you that you're breakthrough is now.  How can I be so sure, because the Bible tells me that God has already provided for you and me.  He placed everything we could possible dream or think of right at our fingertips!

Let's look at scripture.  "Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads.  The name of the first is Pishon, it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.  And the gold of that land is good, Bdellium and the onyx stone are there.  The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush.  The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria.  The fourth river is the Euphrates." Genesis 2:10-15  We all know that nothing grows without water, and that providing water throughout the land meant that their would be no lack.  This is the primary function of the first river Pishon, which means to "disperse".  Now this river runs along the land Havilah, which has gold, bdellium (precious stones), and onyx (semi-precious stones).  How would you like to live in a land where there is no lack and where gold and precious stones are in abundance?  Well that's exactly what God has provided for us.

Your first step out of proverty is realizing that you are not poor!  The only difference between you and someone else is that you have not discovered your purpose yet.  Inside of you God has placed great value!  That value has the ability to provide for you, your family and your community. What does all this mean? That their is opportunity for everyone. That their is no shortage of jobs just a shortage of insight. Sometimes we can't see the talents and gifts that God has given us. We have fallen for the deception that God has not provided for us and we worship (run after, seek after) a particular job instead of worshiping God by running after or seeking after the job that He has placed in us. Everyone has purpose, God has provided for all!  Stop running after money and allow money to come to you!