In Jerusalem there is a wall known as the "Wailing Wall" or "Western Wall". This wall is a remnant of the Temple Mount which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Here Jews come to pray. They mourn over the lost of their Holy Temple seeking God for restoration and deliverance. The Jewish people believe that the wall has survived all these years because it has been sanctified by God.
As Christians we believe in the Holy Temple that is not built by hands. God, himself, has built His Holy Temple in you, the believer. Just as the Jews had the Western Wall supporting their Holy Temple, we have a wall supporting our Holy Temple and his name is Jesus Christ, who is forever making intercession for us. The wall represents your support system. Who do you turn to when times get tough, who do you depend on for daily support and direction? Do you depend on yourself or the Word of God? Are you the captain of your ship or is Jesus?
I submit to you that many of you have temple's that have been destroyed or are being destroyed. Your walls are torn down, that is you are in debt, your car is repossessed, your house is being foreclosed, you've lost your job, you're living with family members and you're in the midst of a divorce. Your ship is not just damaged it's sinking and filling with water fast. In the bible we are told of the story of Nehemiah. Nehemiah, who served as the cupbearer for the Babylonian king, hears from a fellow traveler who has just returned from Jerusalem. He is told that the city walls of Jerusalem have been torn down, that the people living in the city are in dire straits. They are impoverished, living in fear and have lost hope. Nehemiah asks permission from the king to return to Jerusalem to restore the walls. Nehemiah is a type of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our King and he has sent the Holy Spirit to rebuild our walls and restore to us what was lost.
Although PortRush Financial Lifeboat Station is enroute to help you, you need a MIRACLE now! Your boat is going under and you know the water is cold, filled with sharks and all the rafts are taken. The lifeboat isn't going to get to you in time. What do you do? You turn to the wall! The bible gives us another example of the wall in 2Kings 20:1-3. It is the story of Hezekiah, King of Judah. In this passage of scripture Hezekiah is told by the prophet Isaiah that he will die. The bible states that Hezekiah turns to the wall and asks God not to forget his covenant promise. God grants Hezekiah fifteen years of life. Fifteen is the biblical number for revival. God gives Hezekiah another chance. Wouldn't you like another chance to live? I suggest to you that you turn, repent for living a part of your life or all of your life without Jesus. Allow Jesus to be captain of your ship. God has a miracle for you, but it's up to you to receive it.
If you have not received Jesus as your personal savior but would like to have him as captain of your ship, just say this prayer.
Jesus forgive me for all my sins. I ask that you would come into my life, clean my heart and make me a new person. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died for my sins. Thank you Jesus, for dying for me. Thank you for your blood that was shed for me at the cross. I receive all that your blood brought for me. I receive you Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus Name Amen.
If you just prayed this prayer, congratulations! You have just invited Jesus into your boat. Study your bible, join a Word based church and watch as Jesus captains your ship to the good life.
God Bless You,
Sandra Frisbey