My testimony has to start by just given our Lord and Saver Jesus Christ thanks for all of his blessings and favor. My most recent blessing started about 3 years ago when I was $35,000 dollars in credit card debt and a failing business that had a debt load of $325,000. I prayed and ask God to help me because I have a wife, four children and major debt that did not include our regular bills with housing payments, car payments etc. The LORD gave me a plan to get out of credit card debt and by the end of this year my family will truly be completely FREE from all credit card debt.
This year as a family we have decided that if it is not needed, then we will not purchase it. God's word said in Isaiah 1:19, "If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land."(NKJV) There are great days ahead but you must follow the plan of God. Just remember when you see the Red Sea there was only one way for the children of God to be delivered and that was the plan of God. We must believe, receive and forgive. Believe have faith in God, receive from God his power and provision and forgive those that falsely accuse you and keep God first.
Within 6 months all of my business debt will be cleared. Yes $325,000. Only God could have sent the provision for my situation and He did. To Miss Frisbey a big thanks in letting God use her to be a voice to help many in need. Her story touched me when I was in trouble. I believed that if God can help a single mother with two growing sons then the same God will deliver me if I BELIEVED. I already know that you will be successful because God is with you. Keep moving forward with Gods plan...