Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Trick or Treating With Mixed Treats

Hello My Fellow Wealth Builders,

It's that time of the year again when we dress our children up to portray all kinds of characters, some common, some heroic, some fairytale-ish and some even ghastly.  At the appointed time we send them out all dressed up in garb carrying their most important appendage, the trick or treat bag.  This bag will hold their treasures of candy as they traverse through their neighborhoods knocking on doors greeting the occupants with a resounding, "trick or treat".  Once our children are home and tucked snugly in their beds, we parents would go through their treasure cove of goodies, discarding anything that appears harmful and of course sneaking away a few treats for ourselves.

As I am sitting here on this beautiful morning, sipping tea and gazing out the window.  I marveled at the splendor of God as I looked upon his creation, the leaves on the trees were arrayed in hues of red and orange, the grass which is still green peaking through the forage of leaves that had fallen from their perch as chatty, energetic and rambunctious children gathered at the bus stop.  I thought, what a glorious time of the year, then I remembered Halloween which is just a few days away.  Oh how I detest Halloween.  As a Christian, I don't celebrate it and I never allowed my children to participate.  I detested appearing as an ogre more despicable than the characters that are portrayed during Halloween.  I was the one who had to say "no" to dressing up, going out around the neighborhood, attending trips to haunted houses.  I am the one who had to watch their disappointed faces as they watched their friends go out on a evening of fun.  Oh how their little faces tore at my heart, especially when I remembered all the fun I had as a child trick or treating.  Oh God, Oh God, why?  If I were the painter, I would paint the perfect picture and I would leave out Halloween!  But life is not perfect and we must choose from life's menu of choices.  Those choices can be good for us or they can be bad for us.  So, how do we determine what's good and what's bad?  I use the Bible as my gage.  If it lines up with the Word, then I am good, if not I need to change what I am doing.  When my children were young, I took them to church events on Halloween, where they played games, won prizes, rode ponies, took hayrides and at the end of the evening brought home large bags of candy!

Do I always make the "good" choice?  Sad to say, no I do not.  And because of this, I sometimes miss God completely.  When I miss Him, I usually reap the opposite of what I was looking for, when I step into His acceptable will, nothing changes, but when I step into His perfect will, everything works out for my good.  So what about those mixed bag of treats?  Like I said earlier, life is comprised of good and evil (mixed bag of treats).  Our bag can be work, marriage, parenting, friendships, financial or anything else that pertains to life.  It is up to us to allow God, Our Father, to filter the good and evil through His Word, so that we might live in His perfect will.

Let's talk about finances.  How many times have we stood in faith believing God for a financial breakthrough, a promotion, freedom from debt, a successful business, a job or college tuition.  Probably many times.  Did you know that finances in the Kingdom of God is based on sowing and reaping and the world's financial system is based on buying and selling?  Let me ask you this, have you ever sowed at church believing God for a promotion and then went to work the next day trying to figure out how you could get that promotion?  Don't you see, you just mixed your bag of treats!  You started off using God's system of sowing and reaping and then you went to work and started buying and selling.  You were looking for ways to sell yourself, hoping the job would buy and you would get a promotion.  The Word of God says, the just shall live by faith.  If you have faith in God as your provider, why did you go to work and look for ways to promote yourself?  What you should have done is continue to sow.  God is not fooled, what a man sows so shall he reap.  The next day at work sow yourself, allow that workplace to develop your gifts, use your gifts to bless others knowing that the Father who sees your good works done in secret will reward you in public.  How many of you are still using credit cards or installment loans to purchase what God has already ordained is yours?  Can't you see this keeps us with one leg in the world system and one leg in God's system and then we wonder why nothing is changing but the world keeps getting darker and darker!  I know your natural mind says without a loan you will never buy a house or a car, but cast those thoughts down with the Word that says all things are possible to those who believe.

To live this way, requires our minds to be renewed.  My job today was to sow a seed so that you might take a step.  As you continue to read my newsletter, you will take more steps.  Today we talked from the Field of Prosperity called "Harmony/Balance"

With Love,
Sandra Frisbey, Wealth Coach
Licensed Insurance and Securities Agent

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Present But Not Connected - 7 Sure Signs of Being Disconnected Financially

There are many people who are broke and many of them are Christians.  This has always been a sense of bewilderment for me.  Why are we broke when the scriptures say such things as Jesus became poor so that we might be rich (2Cor 8:9); God provides for us according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19); God takes pleasure in our prosperity (Psalm 35:27); above all else God desires that we prosper (3John1:2); wealth and riches are in the Lord's house (Ps 112:3); and that I will dwell in that house forever (Ps 23:6).  So why is there such an abundance of poverty.  They say that only one percent (1%) of the people enjoy the riches of the world.  Why is that?  Could it be that we are present but not connected.  Not too long ago, I heard a preacher teach on the story of Jesus in Capernaum where a paralyzed man was brought to him for healing.  When Jesus saw their faith he forgives the man's sin.  Many teachers of the law took offense and Jesus realized it.  So Jesus tells the man to get up and walk and he did.  Is it possible that many people are just like the teachers of the law in Jesus' time.  You are so caught up in the forgiveness of sin that you failed to realize that the healing is connected to the forgiveness of sin.  The Holy Spirit showed it to me this way.  We are the Christmas Tree that never gets lit up.  We are all dressed up in our pretty ornaments (scriptures, prayer, church attendence), but the lights don't come on leaving poverty and sickness in our house.  Get connected!

7 Sure Signs of Being Disconnected Financially

1.  You are working a job you hate.  Change your relationship from horizontal to vertical.  Work for the Lord and not for man.
2.  You blame others for your financial troubles.  Take responsibility for your life.  Refreshment comes after repentance.
3.  You are constantly worrying about tomorrow's bills.  Do what you can do today, tomorrow is not promised.
4.  You find no joy in seeing others prosper.  Stop living in lack, there is enough riches in the world for everyone.
5.  You have an excuse for your failures.  Learn from your mistakes.  They are opportunites for success.
6.  You can't wait for retirement so that you can do nothing.  Life is a journey, if you stop journeying where does that leave you?  Death?
7.  You see money as the cornerstone and not Jesus.  Money is not the means to the end, it is just a tool provided by the means (Jesus).  Don't get caught up into "it's all about the money".

Friday, February 21, 2014

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Financial Security

I am sure we have all seen the movie "Wizard of Oz" starring Judy Garland as the main character Dorothy. Not to long ago, I saw a commercial announcing that one of the stations would be showing this great classic. I thought to myself, "wow", they are still playing the "Wizard of Oz".  Warm memories of a child excited about the prospect of watching this great classic assaulted my mind.  The more I remembered, the more stirred I became. The more I thought about Dorothy and her situation, the more I saw.  I saw a young girl looking for life and purpose.  Isn't that a place we have all found ourselves in?  A place where we look at our surroundings and we find them wanting.  How many times have you looked at your financial picture and found it wanting?  Maybe it was satisfying yesterday, but today, something is wanting.  You examined your savings and it's not where you want it to be.  Your retirement account is not growing at the rate you would like it.  You received your insurance notice in the mail and it went up.  Your car broke down. The price of food is effecting your budget.  Have you experienced any of things and thought "why"?  Not why did the car break down, or why food is so high but "why" to life.  I believe we have all felt that way, no matter where you are financially.  I believe that this wanting stage, or desiring stage, is a stage designed by God to get us to dream, imagine and create. This is what I saw in Dorothy.  A young girl who saw her life wanting.  I believe she asked "why" and could not find an answer.  Toto was just the cataylst that brought her to the point to ask "why".  Once her mind was able to ask "why", she searched for an answer.  First, she searched her surroundings, no not there.  Second, she looked outside her surroundings, no not there.  Third, she looked within herself and there through her ability to dream, imagine and create, Dorothy found her answer.  Look what Dorothy was able to dream, imagine and create in her mind, a place where she was victorious over every obstacle that came her way.  Through moments of darkness, uncertainty, evil schemes, let downs and rejection, she overcame them all.  In the end she won.  Isn't that the answer we are all looking for?  Don't we all want to win?  How would you like to be victorious everyday in your life, to win not only in your finances but in every area of our lives.  I believe we can, if we learn the lessons Dorothy learned on her journey to the "City of Oz".

Lessons From Dorothy:
  1. The starting point - the land of the munchkins.  You must realize that life is a journey and that in the course of that journey you will run into obstacles. The journey is not to destroy you, but to make you strong, to give you a hope and a purpose.   
  2. First stop - Scarecrow.  You must seek wisdom.  Wisdom will bring you deliverance, long life, prosperity, profit, honor, protection, exhaltation, and approval.
  3. Second stop - Tin Man.  You must have a heart and not just any heart, but a heart that seeks the heart of God.  This type of heart will bring you fullness of life, direction, value, refreshment, joy and the delight of the Lord.
  4. Third stop - The Lion.  You must have courage. In courage, you will find rest, boldness, confidence, family security, endurance and blessing from the Lord.
  5. Destination - Wizard of Oz  Revelation- Being content where you are. In the end, Dorothy learned that she had everything she would ever need and that the answer to life was not on the outside but on the inside.  
We have victory through Jesus, we have won.  So, why do we come to points in our lives when we ask why?  I believe God is saying to each and everyone of us that we should enjoy life, dream, imagine and create.  In each of us, is the ability to create our own journey, with the confidence that in the end of that journey, we win!  We win, by using wisdom, heart and courage.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Cycle of Money

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind; cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so.  Genesis 1:24 (NKJV)  
You might read this scripture and wonder what does it have to do with money?  Well, through this scripture God set a cycle or law in place for creation in the earth.  That is, all things create according to its kind.  Cattle create cattle, birds create birds and money creates money.  The above chart explains the cycle of money.  All things have a beginning; money begins with goods and services.  Without goods and services there is no need for money.  If you follow the chart, you will see that goods and services create a need for employment producing employees, small businesses, corporations and government.  Employees and businesses create a need for credit, homes, education and health resources.  That produces a market system.  Every cycle requires a system or incubator where duplication or regeneration takes place.  For living creatures that system is the womb, for plants that system is the earth and for money that system is the market.  A market system consists of stocks, bonds, treasury notes, insurance, real estate, trusts, annuities and funds.  The market creates recompense (reward) in the form of interest, dividends, capital gains and residual income.  Notice once you arrive on this side of the cycle; needs are left behind and you enter into rewards.  Rewards produce investors and investors become millionaires who inspire innovation.  Innovation creates goods and services, resulting in more jobs, more home ownership, more educational opportunities and better health.  What happens when a large group of people stay on the right hand side of the cycle and never progress to the left?  This particular scenario happens when people/businesses spend all of their income on credit, homeownership, education and health.  They have nothing left to put into the market as a result their only option is to put a demand on the already existing goods and services which now creates unemployment (too many people for a minimum amount of jobs), which produces a small workforce, less companies and government deficits.  Credit (money) becomes constricted causing bad credit, foreclosures, rising tuition/fees and an unhealthy society.  Where do you find yourself?  Are you riding the poverty line?  If you find yourself on the right hand side of the cycle, never reaching the left then make a commitment this year and get out of debt, restore your credit and start investing.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Proverty = When Men Worship the Creature Instead of the Creator

Empty pockets -
"Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever Amen."  Romans 1:25 NKJV

Are you tired of living from paycheck to paycheck?  Are you tired of waiting for that big breakthrough?  Did you ever have the thought, "Why is life so hard?"  If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then I am writing to you!  God never intended for life to be hard, or for you to live from paycheck to paycheck.  His desire is to bless you!  Oh, you know that, but you're waiting on your big breakthrough!  I can assure you that you're breakthrough is now.  How can I be so sure, because the Bible tells me that God has already provided for you and me.  He placed everything we could possible dream or think of right at our fingertips!

Let's look at scripture.  "Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads.  The name of the first is Pishon, it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.  And the gold of that land is good, Bdellium and the onyx stone are there.  The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush.  The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria.  The fourth river is the Euphrates." Genesis 2:10-15  We all know that nothing grows without water, and that providing water throughout the land meant that their would be no lack.  This is the primary function of the first river Pishon, which means to "disperse".  Now this river runs along the land Havilah, which has gold, bdellium (precious stones), and onyx (semi-precious stones).  How would you like to live in a land where there is no lack and where gold and precious stones are in abundance?  Well that's exactly what God has provided for us.

Your first step out of proverty is realizing that you are not poor!  The only difference between you and someone else is that you have not discovered your purpose yet.  Inside of you God has placed great value!  That value has the ability to provide for you, your family and your community. What does all this mean? That their is opportunity for everyone. That their is no shortage of jobs just a shortage of insight. Sometimes we can't see the talents and gifts that God has given us. We have fallen for the deception that God has not provided for us and we worship (run after, seek after) a particular job instead of worshiping God by running after or seeking after the job that He has placed in us. Everyone has purpose, God has provided for all!  Stop running after money and allow money to come to you!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Seven (7) Principles of Prosperity

One year ago, the LORD gave me the assignment of writing this blog.  I started it and then I stopped, not sure of what direction this was taking me.  After much soul searching (which entailed alot of praying, crying, whining and complaining) I finally saw the way.  The LORD wants to share with you what he has shared with me on this road to prosperity.  First of all, inorder for you to take the journey, you must believe that God desires you to prosper. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3John:2 (NKJV)  Second, you must realize that there are seven (7) primary principles of prosperity.  Everything concerning your financial well being can be found in these seven princicples.  All seven principles can be found throughout the bible but you can find them listed altogether in Proverbs 31:10-31.  This is a well known passage of scripture titled the "Prosperous Woman" or in some text the "Virtuouse Woman".  She is the woman who has "arrived".   She embodies the perfection in which we all strive for no matter if your male or female or what your bank account balance is.  She has it all!  "Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all."

The seven (7) principles you find working in her life are:

1.  Finances -  She is trusted, she is a provider, she is a giver, she is wise in business and she is sought after and appreciated, because of this she profits. 
2.  Education -  She considers her life and educates herself inorder to make wise decisions about business and family. 
3.  Community - She understands that a thriving community is revelant to her life and it is necessary for her to be an active member for it to continue to thrive. 
4.  Balance - She balances her life between business, community and family causing her children, her husband and the elders of the community to call her blessed and praise her name.
5.  Real Estate - She buys a field, makes a profit and plants a vineyard.  Every single person on the earth has an assignment to take dominion over a part of this earth.
6.  Health - She doesn't worry about bad weather, or any kind of calamity coming against her family, because she is well prepared. 
7.  Worship - This is probably the most important principle.  She understands her relationship between herself and God. 

I will be writing to you based on these 7 principles.  My writings will be a representation of spiritual truths based on these principles.  Do I have all of them working in my life?  No, but God has given me some fundamental truths concerning them, which I would like to share with you.  I want you to consider them the same way you consider a GPS system.  They are directions, it's up to you to follow.