Friday, February 21, 2014

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Financial Security

I am sure we have all seen the movie "Wizard of Oz" starring Judy Garland as the main character Dorothy. Not to long ago, I saw a commercial announcing that one of the stations would be showing this great classic. I thought to myself, "wow", they are still playing the "Wizard of Oz".  Warm memories of a child excited about the prospect of watching this great classic assaulted my mind.  The more I remembered, the more stirred I became. The more I thought about Dorothy and her situation, the more I saw.  I saw a young girl looking for life and purpose.  Isn't that a place we have all found ourselves in?  A place where we look at our surroundings and we find them wanting.  How many times have you looked at your financial picture and found it wanting?  Maybe it was satisfying yesterday, but today, something is wanting.  You examined your savings and it's not where you want it to be.  Your retirement account is not growing at the rate you would like it.  You received your insurance notice in the mail and it went up.  Your car broke down. The price of food is effecting your budget.  Have you experienced any of things and thought "why"?  Not why did the car break down, or why food is so high but "why" to life.  I believe we have all felt that way, no matter where you are financially.  I believe that this wanting stage, or desiring stage, is a stage designed by God to get us to dream, imagine and create. This is what I saw in Dorothy.  A young girl who saw her life wanting.  I believe she asked "why" and could not find an answer.  Toto was just the cataylst that brought her to the point to ask "why".  Once her mind was able to ask "why", she searched for an answer.  First, she searched her surroundings, no not there.  Second, she looked outside her surroundings, no not there.  Third, she looked within herself and there through her ability to dream, imagine and create, Dorothy found her answer.  Look what Dorothy was able to dream, imagine and create in her mind, a place where she was victorious over every obstacle that came her way.  Through moments of darkness, uncertainty, evil schemes, let downs and rejection, she overcame them all.  In the end she won.  Isn't that the answer we are all looking for?  Don't we all want to win?  How would you like to be victorious everyday in your life, to win not only in your finances but in every area of our lives.  I believe we can, if we learn the lessons Dorothy learned on her journey to the "City of Oz".

Lessons From Dorothy:
  1. The starting point - the land of the munchkins.  You must realize that life is a journey and that in the course of that journey you will run into obstacles. The journey is not to destroy you, but to make you strong, to give you a hope and a purpose.   
  2. First stop - Scarecrow.  You must seek wisdom.  Wisdom will bring you deliverance, long life, prosperity, profit, honor, protection, exhaltation, and approval.
  3. Second stop - Tin Man.  You must have a heart and not just any heart, but a heart that seeks the heart of God.  This type of heart will bring you fullness of life, direction, value, refreshment, joy and the delight of the Lord.
  4. Third stop - The Lion.  You must have courage. In courage, you will find rest, boldness, confidence, family security, endurance and blessing from the Lord.
  5. Destination - Wizard of Oz  Revelation- Being content where you are. In the end, Dorothy learned that she had everything she would ever need and that the answer to life was not on the outside but on the inside.  
We have victory through Jesus, we have won.  So, why do we come to points in our lives when we ask why?  I believe God is saying to each and everyone of us that we should enjoy life, dream, imagine and create.  In each of us, is the ability to create our own journey, with the confidence that in the end of that journey, we win!  We win, by using wisdom, heart and courage.